
Hey there! I’m Stevie, and I run this quaint little corner of the internet!

I started crocheting in 2014 and fell in love with it! I wish I had started it sooner (you know how that goes haha); I can just imagine what kind of things I’d make in high school hahaha. Besides crocheting, I love playing video games! My first console was an N64 (I still play it from time to time) and I’ve always been a fan of Nintendo consoles. I just recently got into PC gaming too! When I’m not at my full time job, you can find me playing on Steam or Switch (let’s be friends, yeah?) or hanging out with my husband and our two furry children.

Behind the Name

When I worked at Subway, at one point I told my manager at one point that I was trying to be a good noodle, so she started calling me Noodle as a shortened version of that. The name stuck and as I crocheted more and wanted to make a side business out of it, Noodle’s Knots was created!


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